Are you thinking about seeking orthodontic treatment?
Find out whether it’s the right option for you.
An orthodontist is a dental specialist who has completed 2-3 years of advanced training.
We offer a range of orthodontic services to address any issues you may have with your jaw or teeth. For a comprehensive list, visit our services page.
Many orthodontic problems can be corrected in young children. In fact, some things can only be corrected in young, growing patients. In some cases early orthodontic treatment can prevent the need for full braces later. Many adults are choosing to straighten their teeth with adult treatment. In most cases we can correct orthodontic problems even in adults. It is never too late to fix your smile!
The main difference between child and adult treatment is that children are still growing. This can make it easier to correct bite issues, and the teeth generally move more easily. However, adults can usually be treated successfully as well - it just sometimes requires different treatment methods to do so.
Get the answers to frequently asked questions about orthdontic treatment.
We’d love to help you shine brighter with a beautiful, straight smile. Schedule your free consultation today to explore treatment options.
Springer Orthodontics offers orthodontic care for children and adults in New Philadelphia, Ohio and surrounding areas.
© 2025 Springer Orthodontics