Dental Hygiene

Get our top tips on taking care of your teeth during and after receiving orthodontic care.

Woman wearing braces is brushing her teeth.

Taking Care of Your Teeth with Braces

Oral hygiene is extra important while you have braces. Food gets stuck around the brackets, and it takes more time and attention to clean it all out. You will need to work extra hard brushing and flossing to keep your teeth in good condition. If you don’t keep your teeth clean, you can get gingivitis, white stains on your teeth, or even cavities.

Brushing & Flossing Tips for People with Braces

Brushing Tips

Flossing Tips

Girl is holding a special flosser brush to clean between her braces and teeth.

FAQs About Dental Hygiene

Discover frequently asked questions about dental hygiene to keep your teeth clean and healthy.

What foods should I avoid to prevent tooth decay?

Sugar is the biggest cause of cavities. You should limit the amount and the frequency of sugar intake, especially with braces.
Hard, sticky, or chewy foods can break your braces. You should avoid these foods. Carrots, apples, etc can be sliced thin and chewed with the back teeth.
Yes! You should still go to the regular dentist for regular check ups and cleanings while you have braces.
Use a soft bristled toothbrush to avoid damage to the gums. Some people find that an electric toothbrush helps them clean their teeth better, but it is not necessary.
It is ok to use an electric toothbrush if you like, but it is not necessary. Most electric toothbrushes will time your brushing, making it easier to spend enough time brushing. Some of them also shut off if you push too hard, which helps protect your gums. The most important thing is always angling the brush head behind all of the brackets so it can reach the hard to get areas.
You should floss once a day, with or without braces! Special floss picks make it easier to floss with braces.